JR photo

Jonathan Rösen

Project Management Long-Term Data Storage


0211 54 23 09 93



Jonathan Rösen studied communication design with a focus on analogue animation and experimental film. From 2018 to 2020, he worked as a research assistant for the institut bild.medien at the University of Applied Sciences Düsseldorf on cataloguing and indexing moving-image data of the IMAI – Inter Media Art Institute. He further supervised the project Music in Motion with Stephan Kugler, which was initiated by the institut bild.medien in cooperation with the Cultural Department of the city of Düsseldorf. In 2020 he worked as a catalogue assistant at Kunsthalle Düsseldorf for the exhibition mommartzfilm 1964 - 2020. Since 2019 he is part of the collective KOLORIT – an interdisciplinary platform for electronic music and video art in Düsseldorf.  

Angelika Gwozdz

Angelika Gwozdz

Research Associate „Fringe of the Fringe“

Linnea Semmerling

Dr. Linnea Semmerling

Director (on parental leave)

Darija Šimunović

Darija Šimunović

Research Associate Collection and Distribution