Conrad Schnitzler
„Manchmal artet es in Musik aus”
2023The publication Conrad Schnitzler—“Sometimes It Gets Out of Hand and Turns into Music” brings together the two years of research into Conrad Schnitzler’s intermedia work in the 1970s and ‘80s, but it also considers his later activity as an artist, musician, and person. Thus, it seeks to be not just an exhibition catalogue but an independent overview of the life and work of this electronic music pioneer.
Edited by Kunsthalle Düsseldorf, Gregor Jansen and Stiftung IMAI – Inter Media Art Institute, Linnea Semmerling; Stefan Schneider, Alicia Holthausen
With texts by Alexia Ciosses, Geeta Dayal, Gregor Jansen, David Keenan, Florian Meier, Stefan Schneider, Linnea Semmerling
Translation by James Gussen (German – English), Uli Nickel (English – German)
Graphic design by Studio Thomas Spallek
ISBN 978-3-7533-0437-3
© 2023 Kunsthalle Düsseldorf gGmbH, Stiftung IMAI – Inter Media Art Institute, the artists, the authors and Verlag der Buchhandlung Walther and Franz König, Köln.