Ballads of Outlaw Feelings
A poem, a song, a song, a poem
Ballads of Outlaw Feelings: a poem, a song, a song, a poem is an ongoing performance series that explores lyrics, voice, and language as a compass for crossing emotional landscapes. These performances are a live continuation of the themes and atmospheres explored in choreographer and visual artist Melanie Jame Wolf's 2023 moving image work The Creep. This body of work is concerned with the poetics and politics of things that creep: time, love, fascism, pleasure, becoming, and death.
Melanie Jame Wolf is a choreographer, writer, and visual artist who lives in Berlin. She works solo and with friends, making interdisciplinary pieces for gallery, theater, and screen spaces. She pursues an ongoing interest in analyzing the idea of performance-as-labour in artistic, popular entertainment, and everyday contexts. Leaning into a hyper-stylized pop aesthetic, she is invested in humor as a strategy for critical possibility, and in working with language in subliminal and surprising ways. Her work has shown at HAU - Hebbel am Ufer, Kiasma Museum of Contemporary Art, Schwules Museum, KW Institute of Contemporary Art, Künstlerhaus Bethanien, Kunstmuseum Basel, Institute of Modern Art, Brisbane, and Schirn Kunsthalle Frankfurt. She was a nominee of the 2022 Berlin Art Prize.